Аркадий Ескин

 a long time. The artist’s range of expression is very terse in its colours: two paints are enough for him to reach a pictorial effect. And with such “stinginess” Yeskin is surprisingly sensitive to the minutest changes and tinges of colour. The general tonality of his studies is light, almost transparent, but with all this he loves dense, thick colour layer. He renders the nature’s shapes with lines, blots, various textures, movement. His ease of generalization is spectacular. Yeskin has a style of his own and it was never his goal to change it. He likes the very process of creating a picture, it is this work that brings a moment of creative hap- piness, luck and inspiration. His love of doing studies, fluency in picto- rial expression of reality did not hinder, but rather helped Yeskin to create a number of truly artistic works, which make him one of the most interesting artists in Russia. His art is based on the exuberant sketch material, brilliant “poeti- cal phrases” created by an artist with a natural gift, with bright artistic individuality. All his female portraits, rustic scenes and even biblical subjects develop with village huts, fences, little bath houses, sheds in the background, they all arise from his studies, invariably marked “The Orenburg region, the village of Kumak”. Yeskin’s female images. It is not just a theme in his art, it is Yeskin’s personal attitude towards woman: “Love in all its manifestations. Sincer- ity. You must love woman, she is nothing with- out tenderness. It is no caricature… I will never allow any bawdiness, towards woman it’s the same as to scoff at mother. The way you see it, whether my truth is beyond your limits is none of my concern!”